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Psycho Thrillers (Snuff Fantasy)

Discussion in 'Snuff, Necro And Horror Porn' started by hotei, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring Wenona, Tegan

    Mom is having a soak in the jacuzzi. 18yo Tegan enters in a towel after a long day at school and joins her mom. It turns out, this is some sort of opportunity mom has been waiting for. Before long, mom and daughter are licking and sucking each other like nobodies business. Right at the end, turns out brother has been spying on them. And, him and mom had been doing there thing way before sister, so now he was major jealous. He waltzes into the little party, shocking his exposed sister-she quickly covers herself. She sleuths around the jacuzzi and settles behind young Tegan to her chagrin. As she wonders what he is doing, it suddenly becomes plainly obvious as she wraps a extension cord around her neck. She struggles violent as mom quickly goes from shock to excitement and then sexual lust as she masturbates to her daughter dying.

    Tegan fights hard, but can gain no leverage in the warm water and after a while succumbs to the lack of air. Brother lets her float to the side, so peaceful and even quite beautiful in death. Mother is very turned in by her sons agressive approach to the situation and is expecting things to get hot and heavy. What seems like a start to a nice massage quickly turns into her struggling for her life as well. Her sons jealousy runs deep and proves it by violently strangling his own mother. She is a fighter as well, and as her face turns red, eyes wide and gasping for air, she bumps agains her dead daughter as she struggles to live.But, in the end, she is a floater as well. She sinks beneath the water briefly in death-eyes wide open. he pulls her back up and lets her face float next to his sisters. Mother and daughter make a lovely nude pair in death. He covers the jacuzzi up since dad never uses it. He wonders how long he can leave them there as he walks away

    File Size: 2.51 GB
    Resolution: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 00:19:30
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  2. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring Sammi, Scarlet, MaX CoXXX

    Bondage Peril, noose Hanging & bagging. Scarlet's noose is tied to Sammi's boobs. If Sammi does not stand on her tippy toes.. She Strangling Scarlet, Scarlet flops to the floor & Sammi is bagged to death

    Fetish Elements: Nudity, Noose Strangling, Bondage Bagging, Bondage Peril, Teen, Bondage, Body Views

    File Size: 1.75 GB
    Resolution: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 00:14:00
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  3. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring: Mira Green, Alice Miren

    Mira is standing in thongs and without a bra in the room. Then he carefully puts on a leather bra, then leather pants, boots. Going to take a gun, but hears sounds ..
    Two killers (you can use the same actresses, since they are wearing masks) in masks with pistols walk slowly through the room. One is wearing leather pants and a jacket, the other is wearing a leather skirt and blouse. Mira stood outside the door and waited. The killers split up. The first, in a leather skirt, went the other way, and in leather pants, towards Mira. A pistol stuck through the door and the killer entered Mira's room. Mira knocked out the pistol, grabbed the killer by the head and while holding her began to inflict many punches in the face with her fist. The killer fell on her back. Mira sat down on top and began to strike in the face. (here you can show the ass in leather pants sitting on the killer and how she shakes from the blows and the killer's legs twitch (examples in the attachment), so are the frames and ordinary ones, where punches to the face and blood on the face are shown).

    Mira rips off her mask, looks at her face and stabs a few more times in the face so that the face was even more bloody. He begins to search the killer, finds a phone, gets up and starts digging in it, it turns out to be blocked. A killer sneaks up behind him and begins to strangle. Knocks down the world on the stomach and sitting on top of it, continues to choke, lifting Mira's head up (here you can also have several angles so that the leather priests were in the frame) in the attachment something like). The killer slams his head on the floor to Mira, flips over and punches him in the face. Mira throws off the killer. Both get up, there is an exchange of blows. And in the face and stomach with a knee. The killer pushes Mira onto the sofa and sits on top, starting to strangle again, Mira throws her off.

    The killer unsuccessfully falls on his stomach, gets on all fours holding on for the stomach. Mira kicks in the groin from behind. Bypasses the killer, grabs the hair, and says something to her, like you're about to die or something. He puts her on her knees and, holding her hair, hits her in the face. Blood in all directions. The killer falls to the floor. Mira sits down on top, puts her hands under her feet and punches him in the face until it turns into mush. Stands up and kicks several times in the face. He takes the gun and leaves the room. The second killer, hearing the noise, goes into the room, sees a mess on the floor and runs away to look for Mira. Both meet in the room with their pistols pointed at each other. Say phrases like let's solve it here without weapons. The killer rips off the mask, Mira sees the twin of the one she just killed. The killer tells Mira that she will answer for what she did and she will kill her with her bare hands. Both throw off their pistols.

    File Size: 2.82 GB
    Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 00:22:03
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  4. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring: Tatiana

    A sorority girl is walking along the sidewalk, when a thug comes up from behind, threatens her with a gun, and kidnaps her. She is dragged inside to a bar or warehouse. Once inside, a second thug shows up. "You've found a nice one! Let's have some fun!" They tie her hands behind her back and start beating the shit out of her. They toss her back and forth, one thug holding her arms behind her back, the other punching her face and belly. One thug rips open her top, and then takes a moment to admire her breasts. From here, they continue to punch her, choke her, and fondle her breasts. One thug fondles her breasts from behind, while the other punches her. They also eventually remove her skirt and slap and grope her ass. The beating continues for a while, and she is bruised up and in tears. They also put her in some back stretches (over the knee back breaker, camel clutch, chokeholds, or similar), while the other thug punches her while in the hold. "Super Agent vs Villains" (my last custom) is a great reference for this. Eventually, they untie her hands. "Do you want to try to escape?" one thug asks.

    She futilely tries to fight back. The thugs laugh at her as she throws pathetic punches. One thug punches her square in the chest, making her gasp for air. As she tries to recover, they break one of her arms to disable her. They laugh at her and taunt her, and continue punching her. One thug mounts her for a ground and pound. He repeatedly punches her in the face, causing her to spit up blood. The other thug stops him and asks to have a go at her. He stands aside, and thug 2 strips her panties, now completely naked, then rapes her (simulated). He occasionally punches her face while fucking her. Eventually, he climaxes inside of her. He stands up, and walks over to grab his gun. Gun in hand, he walks back to her. He brings her to her knees, and threatens her with the gun to her head. "Where do you want it?" He brushes the barrel of the gun against her breasts. "Here?" He then moves the gun down to her pussy. "How about here?" After a few seconds, he says, "yes, right here".

    He inserts the barrel of the gun into her pussy and fires. Blood spills from her mouth as she twitches and convulses. This scene should be very similar to Juliana's scene in "Execution on the beach". He lets her collapse to the floor. The other thug then says, "I'm not done", then mounts her. He doesn't care that she is dead, he continues to punch her face over and over. He grabs her by the hair and punches her several times square in the face. The end of "Prisoner abuse 2" is a great reference for this post-mortem beating. Once he is satisfied, he stands up. The thug that fucked her stands over her and urinates on her (simulated). They both walk away and the camera pans over her dead body, eyes open in a blank death stare

    File Size: 1.27 GB
    Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 00:10:03
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  5. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring: Annabelle, Judi, Li, Max

    Three Students were brutally killed by contract killer - Li was shot, Judi was beaten to the death and Annabelle was strangled. All three bodies were freezed in exotic poses after death and placed to the Collectors lair as dolls. The Collector: Student Reporter' is nothing short of a masterpiece, what you might call Arthouse Erotic Horror. Full of iconic moments, this video is destined, in my opinion, to become a classic. Make no mistake, what Ugine and team have produced is one of the best videos in the genre, ever, and your money here is well spent.

    What I gave Ugine was an insanely complex script. It took the characters seriously, giving paragraph after paragraph to their thoughts and feelings. It linked out to clips from some of the best videos in our genre - specifically, the best portrayals of my favorite elements that I wanted to repurpose for my story. And it had a story arc, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not to mention that Ugine even integrated multiple audio clips that I had recorded by a voice actress for one of the character's internal dialogue. This was truly hard work, and I can't thank Ugine enough. This was a leap of faith for me, and Dark Rooms delivered

    File Size: 6.31 GB
    Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 00:54:15
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  6. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring Ashley Lane

    A soldier patrols a facility. After checking in, she is attacked. She puts up a good fight, but he eventually overpowers her, and starts searching her for her code access chip. While doing so, she manages to grab a knife hidden in her boot and attacks. After a struggle, he is able to wrestle the knife away and plunges it into her side, significantly wounding her. He continues to interrogate her. He forces her into a strenuous/painful position. He punches her several time in her pussy. When that does not work, he tasers her over and over. All the while she refuses to comply. He strips her boots and pants off, then rests the barrel of the gun on her pussy. At that point, she give up the chip location. But he is not done. He continues to prod her for more info. At a certain point he is satisfied with the information, but still wants more.

    He strips more of her uniform off, then forces her at gunpoint to suck his cock. After a while, he fucks her in several positions eventually summing on her face and tits. She begs for her life, but he shoots her in her right breast. Just missing her heart, she is mortally wounded and suffering. But, to speed up the process he aims the gun at her spread cunt and fires, shredding her apart internally from putty to sternum. Later, he poses her body upright for others to find.stuffing her while cotton panties in the dead soldiers mouth.

    Role Play & Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Fighting, Military/Spy, Body Searching, Partial Undressing, Stabbing, Taser, Punching, Sexual Assault, Forced BJ, Cum Shot, Shooting, Pussy Shooting, Body Views, Foot Views

    File Size: 4.44 GB
    Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 00:28:34
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  7. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: Starring: Savannah Costello, Ada Johnson, Tricia Taylor, RyAnne Rhodes, Marcus, J.R., Dick

    A group of women think they have it made as they hang out and plan how they're going to spend the bag of money they've stolen from the mob. Unfortunately, a gang of enforcers spoils their dreams of the good life. or life at all. The girls are forced to strip at gunpoint. They're searched thoroughly, but no money turns up, until the fourth accomplice shows up with the loot. She is made to strip, as well, and all four are taken to a wilderness death pit that has been dug just for them

    File Size: 4.25 GB
    Resolution: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 00:30:24
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  8. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Starring: Lilly Rader, Jack Vegas, Aaron Wilcox

    A young girl is house sitting because family went on vacation. She calls her friend from the outside pool area where she is sun bathing and bragging about the nice house she is watching. Somebody knocks on door, she ends her call and goes open the door. Two men were standing outside, they are the Emerson's brothers and Riley's using them for repairs around the house. She gives them an envelope with instructions the Riley's left and returns outside again to sun bathe.

    The brothers watch her from distance while she is tanning and admiring her body. One of them asks for drink, but she turned him away. After they fix the sprinklers they went ask for money which young girl told them she don't have any so they need to ask Riley's for it in couple weeks.

    The brothers leave pissed because they need the money and they don't like how she was treating them. One of them knows the alarm code, they plan to come back and get their revenge. They waited until the girl left the house to brake in and set up their revenge trap.

    When young girl returned from shopping, one of the brother's is sitting on the couch drinking a beer. The girl got freaked out and she was mad that he was in house. He told her he knows the code from Riley's and he found the envelope Riley's left for them but there was no money in it. He is telling her she was a bad girl and she deserves to be punishment. The girl starts backing up but runs into the other brother. She knees his balls and starts to runs away. They catch up to her and bring her to the living room.

    She is demanding them to let her go. She spits in one of the guys face, he spits back into her face and punches her in her stomach. She dropped down to her knee, and that's where they want her to be.

    One of the brothers threatens her with knife so she will cooperate. They pull out there dicks and starts there torture rape, their revenge.

    They forced her to blow them by pulling her hair aggressively and gaged her back and forth. They pushed her down on her stomach, forced her to blow one of them while the other one pulled her panties aside and finger fucked her.

    Then they switched, one of them pulled her panties off and start fucking her from behind where the other one fucked her mouth, fish hook her, gage her with his fingers and dick until she puke.

    They switch several times, put her down on her back and continued taking turns on destroying her pussy and gagging her, choking her, making her throw up numerous times.

    The young girl begged them to let her go, apologizing and crying but the brothers didn't care.

    File Size: 1.79 GB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:46:55
    Framerate: 29.970 FPS


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  9. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    A man stalks public areas to find victims who suit his sadistic sexual needs. He uses a ruse of having found their ID that dropped at the shopping center. They believe him because how would he know she dropped it there unless he saw her. Before they can get a good look at the fraudulent ID he knocks them out with a single punch then grabs their real ID to determine where they live. He brings them inside, ties their hands behind their backs and terrorizes them with a house knife before raping then strangling them to death.

    File Size: 1.04 GB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:34:34
    Framerate: 29.970 FPS


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  10. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Editor's Notes: If you like young girls, explicit rape and a merciless strangulation and disposal, then you'll love this one.

    Description: Tanner plays a young girl who is taken at gunpoint by an unknown assailant while she was busy texting and talking on her cell phone. She is taken to a remote room where she is pushed onto the bed and forced to undress. Tanner, a young teen, tries to pretend she's unfazed by the ordeal and tries to talk to the killer but he has none of what she's saying. He forces her to undress, leaving on only her thigh high socks. At first, Tanner believes she can make it through the ordeal. He is older, like her father, but she believes if she gives him what he wants, she'll be home by dinner. Her attacker fucks her from behind, ramming it in, making every stroke count while throwing insult remarks at her.

    After fucking her and climaxing inside her pussy, he cleans his semen out of her pussy while hurling more insults. Tanner wants to go home to her parents but the man restrains her hands behind her . He sits her up then wraps a scarf tightly across her throat and begins to strangle her. Tanner kicks violently, wildly in an effort to lodge herself free but it only serves to make him pull the garrote tighter and harder. Her death is certain as her killer takes the wind out her young sails. He pumps on her, making sure the young girl is dead before hurling back-handed compliments at her. Strangling her arouses him and he fucks her dead body after cuddling with her for awhile. He leaves her there and returns with a body bag. He rolls her inside then drags it off to rid himself if her once and for all.

    File Size: 2.25 GB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:18:24
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  11. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Natasha plays a young wife looking for the opportunity to purchase a new home. She believes she sees her dream home in a flyer that was placed at the door step of her home. She calls her husband to ask if she can arrange an appointment to view the home and he agrees. She makes the appointment but finds out the owner will not be available to show her the home but instead leaves the side door open for her to enter and inspect the property.

    She gets dressed in a sexy one piece dress and visits the home. She walks around, unaware that the owner turned stalker is watching her. She moves about the house, seeing that the owner still lives there as evidence of his clothing and furniture. She sinks into the sofa, thrilled that she has found the perfect home when suddenly she is attacked with chloroform. She struggles fiercely but is rendered unconscious.

    The killer views her body; she is a proud parent but she has a sexy body and is well endowed in the breast department. He fondles her then slowly exposes her big tits and sucks on them. He eventually goes down and eats her pussy. Natasha starts to groan as he eats into her then he pulls her down to the floor and removes her clothing. He continues eating her pussy then begins to rape her. She wakes up and is terrified. She screams, she cries and tries to break away and escape and nearly succeeds. She cries as she surrenders herself unwillingly to him and he continues to drive through her. He is too strong for her and no one hears her screams.

    He rolls her into several fuck positions before showering her backside with his semen. She tries to escape again but is brought back to the floor. She pleads with him as he returns with a nylon stocking. Her hands tied tight, she can only plead and cry at her inevitable death. Without mercy,. He wraps the nylon tightly around her throat and strangles her. Natasha thrashes violently for six minutes before she dies, drool spilling out her mouth, eyes wide, and tongue out. The killer sits her up and violently snaps her neck as an exclamation point to her death. Moments later, Natasha pees on the rug. The intensity of the kill arouses him again and he power fucks her, cocking her thick sexy legs beneath him and driving through her. He places her back on the couch and pounds her pussy violently until he sprays his semen all over her front side. He then drags her to a rug, rolls her up and drags her away to dispose of her.

    File Size: 1009 MB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:28:35
    Framerate: 29.970 FPS


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  12. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    If you like a young girl getting raped in her sleep then silences when she threatens to break away so he can fuck her young, soft body, then you'll love this one.

    She arrives home and stumbles in through the front door, teetering on her open-toed black heels. However, her super-strict stepfather is laying on the couch waiting for her, pretending to sleep. Ever since her mom had died a few years ago in a car accident, he had coveted Kayla and was secretly besotted with her. This may be his chance, he thinks. She stumbles to her bedroom and collapses face down on the bed. By the time her step-dad enters the room she is out for the count. She can feel nothing as he strokes his hands up and down her nylon clad legs and reaching under her short dress, he rubs her pussy through her black pantyhose.

    He rolls her over and sits her up, removing her clothing. He works his way down her body until he his sucking her pussy though the crotch of her sexy stocking effect pantyhose. He tears them open with his teeth and eats her moistening pussy. Soon he cannot resist and opening his jeans he slides his throbbing cock into his unconscious step-daughters pussy. She wakes and he tries to cover her mouth. She lamely tries to fight him off but he is too strong and enraged he snaps her neck then continues to fuck her soft dead body until his climax is complete. He calls her an ass hole as he stumbles off to sleep as though nothing happened.

    File Size: 1.15 GB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:09:50
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  13. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Starring: Lily Adams, Eric Masterson

    Daddy catches his daughter going out with guy he doesn't like. She disobeys him anyway and comes home high on weed and just passes her dad like he was statue.

    He stops her and they start arguing. She blaming him for her mom leaving them in until he loses it and gets violent with her. He grabs her by her neck, and throws her against kitchen cabinets until she falls down to the floor and start twitching. He knees her and kicks her few times, then she starts twitching. The massive impacts have given her a concussion. He carries her to other room when he covers her with sheet and watches TV.

    She still makes some noise and twitches. He tries to calm her down, but she is not responding, her body is in shock. He takes her by her jaw and snaps her neck couple times until she is dead.
    He then tells her she looks like her hooker mom. Brings her mom clothes out and he dresses her in them. Then he dance with her and tells her this is how he met her mom. During the dance he touches her ass and he gets hard from her young sexy body.
    He fucks her until he explodes inside of her. Puts her down on the couch and goes outside to dig a hole in the back yard next to her mom.

    File Size: 2.34 GB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:20:01
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  14. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    What would you do if you were a serial killer who found the perfect opportunity? A girl home alone, on the phone literally naked and unaware of your presence inside her home? It is as though she's giving herself to you on a silver platter? Is it worth the risk? This killer seemed to think so and it paid off. After listening to her conversation concerning breaking up with her boyfriend, he pounces on his unsuspecting prey. She is stunned when she is suddenly spun around to face him. She screams in terror but he back slaps her across the face, sending her flying to the couch. A single blow from his hand bruises the side of her face, leaving her is emotional disarray.

    She tries to plead with her attacker, telling him he's got the wrong girl, etc but he ignores her and rips off her panties in the process. She cannot fight him off. He jackknifes her long legs to stretch and expose her young tight pussy. He passionately strokes her pussy lips, letting her know what he's there for. Without warning, he exposes his cock then forces himself between her legs. He holds her down by the throat as he splits her in half then fucks her harder and faster.

    The young girl tries to struggle but it only intensified his thrusting and soon he is squeezing the life out of her with both hands while pounding mercilessly through her pussy. His prey gurgles, gasps and goes into shock as he fucks the life out of her. She dies knowing he is nearly a powerful climax, her hands giving way as he pulls out and pours his seed all over her belly. He catches his breath before posing her in a chair and watching her spray her piss across the room.

    File Size: 1.31 GB
    Resolution: 854 x 480
    Duration: 00:10:38
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  15. hotei
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    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    A sex-crazed, alcoholic daughter is escorted home by a police officer one too many times. When she ignores her father's pleas to talk and falls into a deep sleep, he enters her room, sexually touches her then decides to fuck her in her sleep. She awakens then tries to fight him off but is smothered with a pillow then hand strangled to death. Once she offers no resistance, he continually fucks her soft body until he climaxes all over her. He pulls out, makes up a story that she hasn't come home yet then wraps the body for disposal.

    File Size: 2.07 GB
    Resolution: 720 x 480
    Duration: 00:18:07
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  16. hotei
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  17. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    He attacks her, subduing her and forcing her to sign a note stating that he can ass rape her if she does not do a great job blowing him. Then he proceeds to have her suck his cock. By the end, she passes out from shortness of breath. He leaves her unconscious on the floor as a present for his client.

    When he comes back, she is naked and bent over an ottoman. It is clear that his client has his way with her for some time. He ass fucks her for a bit, then brutally strangles her for a long, slow kill, then leaving her ass up over the furniture for her loved ones to eventually discover.

    File Size: 1.64 GB
    Resolution: 3840 x 2160
    Duration: 00:27:05
    Framerate: 59.940 FPS


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  18. hotei
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    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    She falls to the bed. He then fondles her as she bleeds. He forced her to suck his cock, then starts fucking her, but is distracted by all her pleads for help. So, he stabs her through the heart. Now he can spend quality time enjoying her dead body. He plays with her feet, gets a foot job, fucks her mouth some more, then fucks her in a few positions until he cums all over her bloody belly.

    File Size: 2.99 GB
    Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 00:23:56
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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  19. hotei
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    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Description: starring CHLOE AMOUR & ERIC MASTERSON

    A targets a neighbor living next to his business as someone he wants to be his next target. He waits until her boyfriend is not home in order to strike.

    Contains: Set-Up, Dialogue, Petite Victim, Young Victim, Voyeur Views, Stalker Views, Home Invasion, Foot Fetish, Sleepy, Knife Play, Taunting, Begging & Pleading, Terrorizing, Forced Gagging Blow Job, Forced Foot Rub, Fondling, Forced Undressing, Nudity, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Ass Worship, Vaginal Worship, Forced Vaginal Masturbation, Forced Posing, Multi Position Live Rape, Strangle/Rape Position, Death by Strangulation During Rape, Death Stare, Death Twitching, Drool, Neck Bruising, Throat Crush During Strangle, Body Pans, Body Handling, Body Positioning, Limp Body, Necrophilia Rape, Necrophilia Cuddling, Bare Feet, Foot Worship

    File Size: 1.30 GB
    Resolution: 768 x 432
    Duration: 00:32:21
    Framerate: 60.000 FPS


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    Helpless 4.mp4

    Helpless 4.part1.rar
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  20. hotei
    Active Member

    Categories: HD Death Fetish, Snuff, Strangulation, Execution, Abduction, Maniac, PKF Studios

    Her normal dealer Charlie is not around so she has to deal with his friend. Charlie usually fucks her for her addiction, but it isn't happening this time. She wants a bag, so she's gonna get a bag.

    File Size: 294 MB
    Resolution: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 00:09:26
    Framerate: 29.970 FPS


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